Is published since 1996 year
ISSN 1560-7534, eISSN 2313-691X
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Dear colleagues,

The first issue of the journal “Computational Technologies” was published in 1996. The journal was founded by Yuri Ivanovich Shokin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who was Editor-in-chief for almost 30 years. Over the years, the journal has become one of the leading Russian journals with a solid international reputation in the field of information and computing technologies. More than two thousand articles by authors representing 41 countries have been published.

Currently, one of the most promising areas of scientific research is the integration of ideas and methods of mathematical modelling with computational and information technologies. Therefore, the multidisciplinary content of our journal, which publishes review and original articles on computational and applied mathematics, mathematical modelling, interval analysis, computer technology, geographic information systems, and electronic libraries, is becoming increasingly essential.

We encourage you to collaborate with us and grow our author and reader community.

Academician M.P. Fedoruk

The journal “Computational Technologies” is included in databases and global catalogs:

  1. Scopus,
  2. AMS MathSciNet,
  3. Ulrich's Periodicals Directory,
  4. ABCD Index (India),
  5. Web of Science: RSCI (Russian Scientific Citation Index at Web of Science),
  6. Electronic library eLIBRARY (in Russian),
  7. VAK-list (the list of the Russian Higher Attestation Commission) of editions for publishing the principal results of scientific investigations.
  8. "White List" (the List of scientific journals created to ensure monitoring and evaluation of publication activity).

Starting with No. 1 - 2018, all articles and issues of JCT are assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

Electronic versions of the journal materials are stored at the journal's website (, free access to the full texts shall be opened not later than two years after publication.

Electronic copies of articles of the journal are placed and available by subscription or in open access in the National electronic library (

Mandatory electronic copies of the journal are placed in the Russian state library ( and the Russian book chamber (

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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ISSN 1560-7534
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