Article information

2014 , Volume 19, ¹ 6, p.42-53

Kosolapov Y.V., Kurchev N.O.

Computation of the measure of resistance for Code Noising in a channel with random partial interception

Purpose. Generalize partial interception models discussed earlier, and to find the characteristics of linear codes, which determine the measure for resistance of the code noising. Methodology. We use the traditional methods of information theory and linear codes. Findings. The generalized model of random wire-tap II channel is constructed for the case, when the error-free main channel is protected by the code noising method. For the constructed model, the formula for the calculation of measures of resistance is obtained. It was found that the measure of resistance in general is the expectation of ranks for the projections of the check matrix of the base code to admissible sets of intercepted coordinates. Further, a more generalized model of interception is considered for two particular cases: a fixed number of equiprobable interception coordinates and the interception, the simulated channel with erasures with a fixed probability of erasure. In these cases, the formula for calculation the measures of resistance is greatly simplified when one of the spectral characteristics of the base code is considered. For the both of these special cases, the results of the calculation of measures of resistance in the case of some well-known codes are given. In particular, the results showed that a perfect security at random intercept of fixed number of coordinates may be achieved even at a greater quantity of observed coordinates compared to the model of initially known interception coordinates discussed by L.H. Ozarov and A.D. Wainer. Scope results. The results can be used in communications and distributed data storage systems, where the code noising is used to protect the data. Originality/value. The most interesting result is in the simplification of formulas for the calculation of measures of resistance to random interception when other special cases of interception along with the examination of specific basic codes are considered.

[full text]
Keywords: A random intercept, code noising, observer, uncertainty

Kosolapov Yury Vladimirovich
Position: Associate Professor
Office: South Federal University
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov, Bol'shaya Sadovaya st., 105/42
SPIN-code: 8308-5636

Kurchev Nuri Osmanovich
Position: Student
Office: South Federal University
Address: 344006, Russia, Rostov, Bol'shaya Sadovaya st., 105/42

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Bibliography link:
Kosolapov Y.V., Kurchev N.O. Computation of the measure of resistance for Code Noising in a channel with random partial interception // Computational technologies. 2014. V. 19. ¹ 6. P. 42-53
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