Article information

2016 , Volume 21, ¹ 3, p.91-102

Feoktistov A.G.

Logical-probabilistic aspects of the algorithm for a management of distributed computing

The aim of the study is to develop the tools for planning the computations in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment and implement the environment resources allocating tools based on indicators of time or cost of the plan for solving problem, and reliability of the computational process. In the paper the multiagent algorithm for computations management in a heterogeneous distributed computing environment is described. The algorithm is based on the usage of economic mechanisms for regulating supply and demand of the computational environment resources. Architecture of the multiagent system, and functions of the agents are considered.

Particular attention is paid to the calculation of reliability of the plan for solving problem on the basis of a logical-probabilistic method. This method is based on the implementation of the transition from the description of the reliability conditions of the problem solving plan using Boolean functions to the probability function to determine parameters of reliability. Improving the reliability of a plan for solving the problem is carried out by resource reservation. Resource reservation achieves the reliability index of the computational process, as close as possible given the criterion reliability with the restrictions on the number allocated to each agent backup resources. An example of construction problem solving plans, bidding for the right to perform computing operations and calculating their reliability are presented.

In conclusion, the important features of the algorithm are discussed.

[full text]
Keywords: multiagent management, distributed computing, reliability

Feoktistov Alexander Gennadievich
Dr. , Associate Professor
Position: Leading research officer
Office: Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for System Dynamics and Control Theory of SB RAS
Address: 664033, Russia, Irkutsk, Lermontova st., 134
Phone Office: (3952) 45-31-54
SPIN-code: 5743-1777

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Bibliography link:
Feoktistov A.G. Logical-probabilistic aspects of the algorithm for a management of distributed computing // Computational technologies. 2016. V. 21. ¹ 3. P. 91-102
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