Article information

2017 , Volume 22, Special issue, p.113-124

Tsydenov B.O.

A numerical study of impurity propagation in a freshwater lake on the basis of water turbidity distribution

A mathematical 2.5D model for simulating the hydrodynamic processes of pollutant propagation on an example of Kamloops Lake (British Columbia, Canada) is presented. Water turbidity is considered as an indicator of pollution. The non-hydrostatic model includes the continuity, momentum, energy, salinity, and turbidity equations and takes into account the diurnal variability of the fluxes of shortwave and longwave radiation and latent and sensible heat.

Turbulence closure of the system is performed with a two-parameter 𝑘 - 𝜔 Wilcox-type model and algebraic relations for the coefficients of turbulent diffusion. The convection-diffusion equations are solved by a finite volume method to satisfy the integral conservation laws. The numerical algorithm for finding the flow and temperature fields is based on a Crank-Nicholson difference scheme. The convective terms in the equations are approximated with a second-order upstream scheme, QUICK. The systems of grid equations at each time step are solved by an under-relaxation method.

Numerical modelling has demonstrated that the river water with high values of turbidity first moves along the slope to the deeper parts, then spreads over the lake surface. The results of simulation have shown qualitative agreement with in-situ measurement described by John et al. (1976). It was also found that the variable heat flux affects the space-time distribution of turbidity.

[full text]
Keywords: lake modelling, numerical simulation, water bodies contamination, water turbidity, Kamloops Lake

Tsydenov Bair Olegovich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Tomsk State University
Address: 634050, Russia, Tomsk, 36, Lenin Avenu
Phone Office: (3822)783593
SPIN-code: 1832-2785

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Bibliography link:
Tsydenov B.O. A numerical study of impurity propagation in a freshwater lake on the basis of water turbidity distribution // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. XVII All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists on Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology​. P. 113-124
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