Article information

2017 , Volume 22, Special issue, p.60-74

Potapov V.P., Popov S.E., Kostylev M.A.

Method of Sar data processing based on massively parallel Apache Spark system

The paper presents a novel approach to development of distributed software for streaming pre- and post-processing of radar images. A distinctive feature of the system is employment of Apache Spark mass-parallel processing, which allowed operations with general-purpose hardware as well as the ability to execute existing algorithms that are not designed for distributed processing on multiple nodes without changing the implementation of the algorithm.

The paper compares distributed computing technologies and presents a general description of the cluster and the mechanism for performing the tasks of pre- and post-processing of radar data, as well as specifies the implementation of tasks within the framework of the proposed approach. The parallel computations methods based on GPUs, Java-multithreading and the application development based on a massively parallel architecture are used. In particular, in the phase unwrapping algorithm, the construction of the growth ring, the estimating of absolute phase values and the performance of reliability tests performed on the side of the GPU are presented. The number map of the regions which is monitored and updated after each iteration allows monitoring all regions along the optimal unwrapping path simultaneously and tracking the moments of their encounters and intersections. In the massively parallel algorithm execution, we apply a pairing deployment scheme for the input data in separate HDFS directories. As result of reading of the input data, a Resilient Distributed Datasets object is created. It, consists of pairs which include the file name and the binary data stream.

The binary sequence is passed to the map-function, which executes the phase unwrapping procedure. The implementation of the map-function checks the node hardware and runs the code on the CPU or GPU. The interferometric image is processed entirely locally at the computational node without dividing into parts.

Parallelization is achieved by processing a large number of images on a set of nodes. In conclusion, the test results of cluster execution of the developed algorithms are presented. 7õ speedup performance is shown with parallel start of eight computational tasks in the phase unwrapping algorithm. Compared to traditional approaches to radar data processing, in which parallel computations either do not apply, or are used only to improve the performance of calculations, the proposed solution is focused on processing a large number of packet data.

[full text]
Keywords: Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, distributed information systems, sar interfometry, processing algorithms

Potapov Vadim Petrovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Deputy director
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 650003, Russia, Kemerovo
Phone Office: (3842) 211400
SPIN-code: 8947-1880

Popov Semen Evgenievich
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Office: Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Lavrentiev avenue, 6
Phone Office: (905)9692107
SPIN-code: 5627-9584

Kostylev Mikhail Alexandrovich
Position: Student
Office: Institute of Computational Technologies SO RAN
Address: 630090, Russia, Novosibirsk, Lavrentiev avenue, 6
Phone Office: (3842) 211400

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Bibliography link:
Potapov V.P., Popov S.E., Kostylev M.A. Method of Sar data processing based on massively parallel Apache Spark system // Computational technologies. 2017. V. 22. XVII All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists on Mathematical Modeling and Information Technology​. P. 60-74
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