Article information

2022 , Volume 27, ¹ 4, p.118-126

Purgina M.V., Dobrynin A.S., Koynov R.S.

Schedule formation in multi-project developments management systems

Modern mathematical apparatus, as well as achievements in the field of system analysis, game theory, graph theory, make it possible to algorithmize the process of solving the schedulling problem for various areas of human activity. To date, the areas of effective application of many well-known, including modern heuristic and metaheuristic, algorithms that have shown good results in practice have been analyzed and identified. However, despite the achievements in the field of discrete optimization, schedulling and network planning, new tasks of drawing up the so-called coordinated schedules in the field of multi-project planning, which take into account the preferences (requests) of specific schedulling executors, are still of practical interest. Approaches and main stages of solving the problems of building coordinated schedules in multi-project planning are considered, which is relevant for the development of new generation software and tools

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Keywords: schedulling, multiproject planning, digraph, multigraph, domain, clustering

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2022.27.4.010

Purgina Marina Vladimirovna
Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Managemen
Address: 630099, Russia, Novosibirsk, Kamenskaya 56,str.
Phone Office: (383) 243-95-19
SPIN-code: 5319-7524

Dobrynin Alexey Sergeevich
Associate Professor
Office: Siberian State Industrial University
Address: 654007, Russia, Novokuznetsk, str., Kirov 42
Phone Office: (3843) 74-88-06
SPIN-code: 8063-0231

Koynov Roman Sergeevich
Position: Senior Fellow
Office: Siberian State Industrial University
Address: 654007, Russia, Novokuznetsk, str., Kirov 42
Phone Office: (3843) 74-88-06
SPIN-code: 6480-8684


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Bibliography link:
Purgina M.V., Dobrynin A.S., Koynov R.S. Schedule formation in multi-project developments management systems // Computational technologies. 2022. V. 27. ¹ 4. P. 118-126
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