Article information

2023 , Volume 28, ¹ 1, p.41-47

Valeev S.S., Kondratyeva N.V.

Analysis of business processes in a distributed organizational and technical system based on snapshots

Distributed organizational and technical systems belong to the class of complex hierarchical man-machine systems. Analysis of the state for such systems is a nontrivial task. Methods of system analysis are used, so the complex system is decomposed into subsystems and business processes, implemented at various hierarchical levels to achieve the main goal. Analysis of the state of business processes allows you to increase the efficiency of decision-making procedures for optimizing these business processes. An algorithm for creating a snapshot of a business process system in a distributed organizational and technical system is considered. The DRAKON language was applied as the basic language for constructing models of business processes, which makes it possible to obtain a prototype of a finite-state machine when building models of business processes. Visualization of business processes in the state space allows you to improve the efficiency of decision-making

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Keywords: distributed organizational and technical system, business process, finite-state machine, state space, DRAKON, business process analysis

doi: 10.25743/ICT.2023.28.1.005

Valeev Sagit Sabitovich
Dr. , Professor
Position: Professor
Office: Sochi State University
Address: 354008, Russia, Sochi, 7, Politechnicheskaya Str.

Kondratyeva Natalya Vladimirovna
PhD. , Associate Professor
Position: Associate Professor
Office: Sochi State University
Address: 354008, Russia, Sochi, 7, Politechnicheskaya Str.

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Bibliography link:
Valeev S.S., Kondratyeva N.V. Analysis of business processes in a distributed organizational and technical system based on snapshots // Computational technologies. 2023. V. 28. ¹ 1. P. 41-47
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