Article information

2006 , Volume 11, Special issue, p.136-156

Baklanov A., Sorensen J., Mahura A.

Long-term dispersion modelling. Part I: methodology for probabilistic atmospheric studies

The main purpose of this study is to develop a methodology for a multidisciplinary nuclear risk and vulnerability assessment, and to test this methodology through estimation of a nuclear risk to the population in the Northern European countries in case of a severe accident at a nuclear risk site. The main focus of this paper is the description of methodology for probabilistic or long-term evaluations of the atmospheric transport of radioactive releases from the risk site regions.

[full text]

Baklanov A.
Office: Danish Meteoroligical Institute
Address: Denmark, Copenhagen

Sorensen J.
Office: Danish Meteoroligical Institute
Address: Denmark, Copenhagen

Mahura A.
Office: Danish Meteorological Institute
Address: Denmark, Copenhagen

Bibliography link:
Baklanov A., Sorensen J., Mahura A. Long-term dispersion modelling. Part I: methodology for probabilistic atmospheric studies // Computational technologies. 2006. V. 11. Special issue. P. 136-156
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