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Инд. авторы: Nasyrova M., Shornikov Y., Dostovalov D.
Заглавие: Architecture, implementation and performance optimization in organizing parallel computations for simulation environment
Библ. ссылка: Nasyrova M., Shornikov Y., Dostovalov D. Architecture, implementation and performance optimization in organizing parallel computations for simulation environment // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. - 2015. - Vol.9251. - P.536-545. - ISSN 0302-9743. - EISSN 1611-3349.
Внешние системы: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21909-7_53; РИНЦ: 24961449; WoS: 000363763200053;
Реферат: eng: This paper discusses architectural concepts, implementation details and performance optimization techniques in the context of instrumental environment ISMA2015 supporting parallel computations for hybrid models. The paper considers the approach of organizing computations so that the user can work with the environment in the terms of the application field omitting the complex implementation details and to simply running models in a suitable mode: sequential, parallel on a multi-core machine or a cluster. The technology of the remote class loading is proposed. The framework for extending the library by new numerical methods is considered. The results of performance optimization are given. The technology of optimizing communication between cluster nodes is described. Simulation results are presented on the example of generated reaction-diffusion problems.
Ключевые слова: Accuracy control; Explicit methods; Hybrid systems; Parallel computations; Stability control; Performance optimization; Distributed memory; Simulation; MPI;
Издано: 2015
Физ. характеристика: с.536-545