chairman's: Academician Yurii I. Shokin & Prof. Viktor M. Kovenya

chairman's: Academician Yurii I. Shokin, Prof. Anatolii M. Fedotov & Prof. Sergei K. Golushko

chairman's: Ph.D. Denis V. Esipov, Dmitrii L. Chubarov
Institute of Computational Technologies, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, ICT SB RAS) was founded in 1990 on the basis of the Main Production Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, for the purpose of developing information science, mathematical modeling, computer science and modern information and computer technologies. Academician Yuri Shokin has become the organizer and first director of the Institute for more than 25 years.
In 2020, the Institute was given the status of a federal research center with the name "Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies".
Today he is a Scientific Adviser of the Institute. The Institute has its branches in Krasnoyarsk, Kemerovo, Tomsk and Berdsk.
The Institute currently employs 289 staff members, including 107 researchers, 1 Academician (Full Member of the RAS), 1 Corresponding Member of the RAS, 35 Doctors of Sciences and 58 PhDs. The Institute has a post-graduate course.
The Institute’s major research interests include:
A scientific and methodological guidance of ICT SB RAS is performed by the Division of Nanotechnologies and Information Technologies of RAS, and the United Scientific Council on Nano- and Information Technologies of SB RAS.
Academician Yuri Shokin has established a well-known scientific school. The main emphasis of the school is on development of the methods of mathematical modeling, information and computational technologies for decision making problems arising when designing and maintaining complex technological systems and objects, monitoring the environment, predicting the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.
Over the last 5 years, the Institute’s employees have won more than 120 research grants. During the period from 2012 to 2016, 29 monographs were published, more than 800 scientific papers in the impact factor journals were issued, 4 Doctoral and 14 PhD theses were defended. Two Institute scientists are the Laureates of State Prize of the Russian Federation and four scientists are the Laureates of the Russian Federation Government Prize.
The Institute has Dissertation Council (D003.046.01) where doctoral theses on the specialties 05.13.18 and 05.25.05 are defended.
A scientific journal "Computational Technologies" has been published by the Institute since 1996. The journal publishes reviews and original papers on computational and applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, interval analysis, computer technologies, geographic information systems, digital libraries.
The staff of the Institute have created and maintained the regional integrated data network for Siberian scientific institutions being within jurisdiction of Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations of Russia.
In 2008, the Institute developed and exploited the satellite data information system (SDIS). The system was developed in cooperation with the West-Siberian Regional Center for Receiving and Processing Satellite Data (West-Siberian RCRPSD) at the Novosibirsk Center for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring with functions of the regional specialized meteorological center for global weather service. For information storing and processing, the Institute has developed a powerful data storage system for satellite remote sensing of the Earth.
The Institute participates in the following technological platforms: